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Design / Development / Maintenance
ERP is a business management system that we designed, developed and still maintain. Its main market is sun shading retailers, and its purpose is to help them streamline their business.
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The challenge

ERP systems generally have a bad reputation when it comes to usability. The problem is that they require a vast array of functionalities, so much so that they inherently become hard to use, especially for people with low tech-literacy, which coincidentally was our user profile.

Our solution

By focusing on thorough research and a good UX foundation before we even built a single screen, we aimed to tackle the problem of usability and make a product that anyone can use, but that still has all the functionalities and resources it was intended to have in the first place.


Our design process started way before we actually built anything. We did research into our user base, and constructed flows and wireframes based on that research. Once that was done, we decided upon a visual identity and could get to work. We went for a modern, clean and simple look and feel that could be easily accessible to everybody.
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The product required an extensive back end for it to function to the high standards we set out to achieve. Our team managed to construct the software so that it covered all the main functionalities, of which there were many, and is still today working on maintenance and improvements of this same software.
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The result was a product that has met all the needs of the users it was meant for. It manages to complete all of their needs, while remaining very simple to use and function impeccably. However, the work is never done, and we are still working on new features which can improve on the foundation which we have built so far.
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